What's the feature of pc solid sheet on produce process?
Polycarbonate(PC) plastic sheet in manufacturing production is particularly need to pay attention, because the PC panel may be affected by many factors, such as temperature, time, pressure and production speed, etc., which will affect the PC plastic.
Before molding, PC resin must be thoroughly dried. The fluidized bed drying method can be drying, vacuum drying, hot air circulation drying. In fact, PC plastic and other plastic products of the process is a lot worse, but there are also some differences, so today, as you talk about PC features it has a kind of plastic.
1, It belong amorphous plastics, in different stages, the control temperature is different.
2, PC plastic thermal stability is relatively good, and the relative molecular mass of the increase can be improved.
3, PC plastic creep resistance, good dimensional stability, but it is not easy to eliminate internal stress.
4, under high temperature water easily degradable plastic PC required moisture content below 0.02% during molding.
5, if not pay attention, then it is easy to crack phenomenon appeared.
6, in the production process, and its apparent viscosity greatly influenced by temperature, less affected by shear rate, with the relative average molecular weight increases.
In addition, PC dont have melting point, but high melt viscosity. PC has a benzene ring in the molecular chain, lead to greater rigidity.
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